Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. Review


    1. Introduction

    2. Changes to Character Roles and Player Groups

    3. Skill Changes - Stamina

    4. Negotiator Skills - Emotional Appeal

    5. Negotiator Skills - Physical Defense

    6. Negotiator Skills - Debate

    7. Negotiator Skills - Psych Defense

    8. Negotiator Skills - Self-Actualize

    9. Scholar Skills - Continuous Damage

    10. Scholar Skills - Distract (Confusion)

    11. Healer Skill - Enthrall (formerly Weaken)

    12. Other UGS Skill Changes - Heal, Revive, Negate Enthrall, Clue

    13. Review

    1. Introduction

    2. NCS Antagonists

    3. NCS Allies

    4. NCS Player Characters

    5. General Considerations Regarding NCS Skills

    6. Review

    1. Introduction

    2. Negotiator's Guild

    3. Scholar's & Healer's Guild Changes

    1. Introduction

    2. Using Nonviolent Concepts in UGS (but not the Nonviolent Conflict System)

    3. Only Antagonists have Access to Violent Skills

    4. Both UGS and NCS Skills are used

    5. Antagonists Do Not Have Stamina-Reducing Skills

    6. NCS Without Antagonists

    1. Introduction

    2. Troubleshooting the NCS

    3. NCS Options

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content